FRQCOORD.txt ver 7.9 APRS AS A FREQUENCY COORDINATION TOOL This file discusses how to use APRS as a coordination tool for all frequencies and also has a list of coordinated APRS frequencies. First, here is the list of known coordinations on 145.79 except where noted. COORDINATED Defacto operations (states dont coordinate packet) --------------- -------------------- Alabama (north) Missouri, Iowa, Illinois Maryland (DMARC) Ohio Virginia (northern, DMARC) Eastern PA Pennsylvania (south, DMARC) Utah New Jersey Georgia Florida Kansas Calif (north 145.01) Arizona (N7MRP) Michigan (Upper) APRS makes an excellent frequency coordination tool. Individual APRS.POS files are prepared for each digital channel. Then user may use the MAPS- OVERLAY command to give an instant display of not only the location of all stations on the frequency, but also their radio range using the MAPS-PLOTS- POWER display. The interaction of stations and nodes with each other can visually be seen at a glance. These files are distributed to all BBS's so that users can download them and see the current status of the network. TO help users find the shortest and most effecient path to the packet network and BBS's, the files are also combined together in three summary files that show all stations on all frequencies in the VHF, 220 and UHF spectrum. ID/POSITION BEACONING ON ALL PACKET FREQUENCIES: All BBS's NODES and digipeaters are encouraged to beacon their POSIT at least once PER HOUR. Be sure to include your POWER-HEIGHT-GAIN format shown in PROTOCOL.txt. If you use the Grid-Square format, the cost is only 6 bytes!